How To – Set Up and Fire Barrages

When setting up a compound barrage (see They're Not MIBs - They're SIBs) do not be tempted to remove the firework from its outer carton. If you do you may damage the interlinking fuse and therefore compromise the functioning of the firework. The barrages will also be glued to a wooden board for support and this too may be damaged.
The best way to prepare a compound barrage for firing is to carefully cut away the opening flaps, making sure that the cardboard is cut just low enough so that there isn’t any in the way of any fanned sections. Identify the Primary fuse. Cover the barrage with the plastic bag that it comes in until firing time. Follow all the set up instructions. When ready to fire carefully cut the plastic bag away so that you can get to the fuse and then follow the lighting instructions.
- Read the section of our site ‘How To - Give Your Own Firework Display’ for general safety information.
- Read all the instructions on the firework in daylight and make sure you have everything you need prior to set up. Don’t forget to include a torch on your list.
- Look up to make sure there are no overhead obstructions and around you to make sure that there are no buildings, trees, or other similar structures in the vicinity of the display site.
- Single Ignition Barrages will often require burying up to a specified mark on the label into a suitable non-flammable material such as sand. This is to ensure that the firework will not fall over.
- Other instructions may require you to attach the product securely with tape (preferably a fireproof version of black woven tape) to an upright post or stake. It is best practise to secure the post/stake between the product and the audience to ensure that, should there be a malfunction, the barrage falls away from the direction of the audience.
- The ultimate aim is to ensure that the product is secure and upright and prevented from falling over whilst functioning.
- Make sure you have a safe and clear route to where you will stand once the firework is lit.
- Some Single Ignition Barrages have two fuses. Make sure you identify the Primary fuse. When you are ready to light the barrage, expose the fuse and make sure it is straight by straightening it with your fingertips. Stand sideways on to the barrage, making sure to light the Primary fuse at arm’s length, ensuring that your head is not over the barrage at any time or in line with the angle of the shot tubes. Light the outermost tip of the fuse and immediately retire to at least the specified safety distance.
- If the firework fails to function properly wait at least 15 minutes before considering returning to light the Secondary fuse. ENSURING THAT NO PART OF THE BODY IS OVER THE FIREWORK, locate the Secondary fuse and follow the same procedure as for the Primary fuse.
Below is an example of a Single Ignition Barrage Instruction Label.
If you are interested in the science behind Barrages please take a look at our How To Hub Information.